PANEL: Leadership in the Age of Data
Date & Time
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 1:50 PM - 2:20 PM
Data is everywhere these days and enterprises‚ reliance on data is still growing rapidly.
With most technical challenges in managing the rising amounts of data covered, enterprises are still struggling in maximizing the value out of this resource. One the one hand side, it is operating models needing to be adjusted, but the other, more important side is the required changes in corporate culture to maximize the value generation out of data.
As leaders, what does that mean to our work and are there proven experiences we need to rethink and how can we give the right answers for the data-driven future?
Location Name
Victoria Suite
Full Address
Victoria Park Plaza
239 Vauxhall Bridge Road
London SW1V 1EQ
United Kingdom
239 Vauxhall Bridge Road
London SW1V 1EQ
United Kingdom
Session Type
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